432-889-5434 | 620-204-0883
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MC-500 Preparation

Preparation is the key to a successful coating application!

We take the time and have the expertise necessary to properly prepare the target surface for coating application. We use a wet blasting system to reduce or eliminate dust along with additives to retard flash rust.

While “white metal” is the best preparation, it is not essential, because our penetrating proprietary MC-500 base coat has the ability to seep into small cracks and crevasses encapsulating the corrosion cell and preventing further corrosion.

Top coats of MC-500 in your choice of color are added to the base coat while it is still tacky. This creates an interlaced monolithic coating, impervious to moisture and corrosive elements.

Our method results in a beautiful finish, which will endure the elements and corrosive environments while providing long term protection to your assets.

Contact Steve for free estimates and quotations of your specific project, we’d be happy to help 620-204-0883.